Special Message
Our physical plant is closed until state and county guidelines allow us to reopen. However our Ministry continues, but in some new formats. Instead of in-person worship, we will offer on-line service options so people can worship from home. Instead of face to face calls, pastoral care, and meetings, we will use the telephone, e-mail, and ZOOM to continue our programs.
Your staff team is working hard to get these new formats up and running. We will use the mail and electronic giving for our tithes and offerings. We will keep in close contact with isolated members through cards and where possible, phone calls. We will care for each other as Jesus demonstrated, walking with faith and not fear while exercising the precautions requested/required by the Centers for Disease Control and other federal and state agencies.
To contact Jan, e-mail: [email protected], phone at 209-466-5046 x12 (messages can be accessed remotely). In an emergency, call her cell phone: 515-480-5549.
In fire, flood, famine, and pestilence, we are not alone! God is always with us.
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