The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know GOD and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ, to develop a creative, supportive fellowship, and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
Each local unit of UMW accepts financial responsibility with other local units for undergirding the global ministries of the church through an annual Pledge to Mission, Women’s Division.
On the national level, The Women’s division of the General Board of Global Ministries has more than one million members and a multi-million dollar budget. Visit their website.
Monthly Meeting and Lunch
Coming Soon
What it means to be a member
Membership can be expressed in any of the following ways:
- Participation in various events, projects, issues and concerns of the Women’s Division
- Attendance at meetings
- Un-designated giving to support global missions
- Intercessory prayer
- Accepting leadership responsibility
We are grateful for our Active, Supportive, and At-Home members.
Interest groups called Circles offer fellowship, spiritual growth and enlightenment, as well as the opportunity to aid in mission work, locally and throughout the world. Visitors are encouraged to attend any UMW function.
Visiting Circle: Meets on the fourth Tuesday @ 12:00 for brown bag lunch. Our purpose is to contact or visit ill and homebound members, in partnership with the pastor and parish visitor.
Social Circle: Meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 12:30 p.m. Our purpose is to enjoy the fellowship of each other and participate in UMW projects.
Yearly Events
The annual RUMMAGE SALE is held in the spring in the Fellowship Hall. Members of the church and the community donate items to this popular event.
The Rummage Sale is held the first Friday and Saturday of March.
The ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TEA, is open to all members and friends of Central and includes entertainment, music, good food and the awarding of Mission Recognition. The Tea is held the first Saturday in December.