Central’s Sunday Adult Class resumes this Sunday, February 4, 2024. Our spring series, Making Faith Work in a World of Chaos, begins with a Lenten Series called Wrestling with Doubt, Finding Faith. In this new video series by Adam Hamilton, we’ll explore how doubt is nothing to be afraid of and is healthy. Hamilton will lead us through six questions that are roadblocks for many in their faith journey.
We invite you to join us beginning next Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in Knoles, Room 6.
Click HERE for a brief video about the book and video series.
Bible Study
Welcome to our Inductive Bible Study! Do not read the Bible, but let the Bible read you, and tell you what to do with your life!
To participate in our Bible Study, simply click the link below and follow the instructions.
Lent is a season of 40 days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. In Christian tradition, people abstain from entertainment, sensual pleasures and worldly desires during Lent. Many Christians use this time to prepare their body, mind, and spirit to be baptized on Easter.
We want to spend this Lenten journey with Paul’s Letter to Romans (16 chapters) and Gospel according to Luke (24 chapters). We will have 40 chapters to read each day of Lent. You will also be given 3 questions each day to meditate on the given chapter. You are invited to write your thoughts on the given paper.
Click HERE to join the Lenten Bible Challenge
New Member Class
Click HERE to view our New Member Class
Welcome to the Advent Bible Challenge – The Gospel of Matthew
November 27 through December 24
Click HERE to participate