Statement of Reconciliation

As children of God, we are called to share in word and deed the divine love that casts out fear. Made in God’s image, we are called to accept ourselves and our sexuality, which is a gift given by God, whatever our sexual orientation. We are called to work together through the Holy Spirit to uphold standards of human relationship grounded in mutual love, responsibility, accountability, trust, and nurture.
We are all forgiven and reconciled children of God, drawn together by our Lord’s command to love one another. We invite all to proclaim God’s kingdom and to share in all aspects of the life of our congregation: worship, education, stewardship, and service.
Central United Methodist Church is a Reconciling Congregation affirming all persons without regard to race, gender, ethnic background, sexual orientation, national origin, age, physical or mental ability, marital status, economic condition, or anything else that threatens to divide God’s family. In our quest to follow the example of Christ, we commit ourselves to loving acts of invitation, welcome and reconciliation, providing ministry to, for, and with all persons without exception.