Children and Sunday Worship
Children of all ages are welcome at all worship services. We encourage families to sit towards the front so that children can see and hear all that goes on in the service. Two rocking chairs for parents of very young children are located in the rear of the Sanctuary as well as quiet toys to play with in the Narthex.
The 11.00am service includes Children’s Moments. The children join our a member of the Godly Play team in front of the altar for a short age appropriate message. Afterwards, the children head to their Godly Play Sanctuaries (classrooms) on the second floor of the Knoles Building.
A Time of Wondering and Play
Four-year old through sixth graders participate in the Godly Play program during the 11.00am worship service. Dr. Jerome Berryman, an Episcopal priest, developed the program using a Montessori-based approach to nurture and grow faith in children.
Godly Play recognizes the innate spirituality of children. Everything that happens in the Godly Play sanctuaries, from being greeted at the door, listening to stories from the Old and New Testaments, stories of Baptism and Communion, to sharing in a feast – serve to create sacred space where children can grow close to God.
In Godly Play, children experience God using all their senses. It engages each child’s innate spirituality and helps children develop fluency in Christian language. Godly Play serves all children, meeting them at their levels to wonder, create art, and to play, and provides them with the opportunity to draw personal theological meaning. In our Godly Play sanctuaries children are not told how to interpret the stories, but rather experience a safe place to wonder, reflect and listen for God in their lives.
Safe Sanctuaries
Our Godly Play staff are volunteer members of the Central Family. Every Sunday, they selflessly give of their time to serve as the storyteller or doorperson for our Godly Play Sanctuaries.
As part of our “Safe Sanctuary” Policy, two Godly Play team members are always present in each Sanctuary.
Central Child Care Center
The Child Care Center is located on the first floor of the Knoles Building and is open Sundays from 8.00am -12.30pm. The Center is available for children (infants through age three) whose parents and other family members are attending a worship service. The center is overseen by two paid childcare workers. The Child Care Center is also open for other church-related events upon request.